Physical appearance and looking fit have never been the main reasons why I practice and teach yoga and acro yoga. Yes, yoga and acro yoga do keep me fit, but to me it is so much more than this. Nevertheless, when a week back I became a mommy for the first time, I never in a million years could have imagined that 7 days after giving birth to my little boy, I would get back the body and strength I had before my pregnancy. So, I wanted to share with… read more →
Acro Yoga is a fusion of Yoga and acrobatics which attracts more and more enthusiastic yogis who want to fly and base. People who have never met one another before, find connection and practice impressive moves and sequences which many times looks like they came out of a circus performance. Is it just vanity and show off or is there something deeper that one can get out of this? I was first introduced to Acro Yoga a good few years back, got officially certified last year and started practising with… read more →