As I was walking to work today I remembered my Karate days (I always think of strange things when I walk and I must look even more strange as I am often smiling with no obvious reason). As I envisioned myself fighting, I froze the image (I have a very vivid imagination) to the falling part. Every person training in martial arts has to learn how to fall. And there is a lot of falling flat on the floor involved. If you don’t know how to do it properly, when… read more →
I have spent many hours of my life sitting on a chair. Quite ironic for a person that loves movement, a yoga instructor, a dancer and so on. I am also a Marketer and the office is the place where I mainly work from. In almost every place I have worked at, the phrase that would often catch my attention was: “My back hurts” coupled with “I am really suffering from back pain for years now” or “Once, it was so bad I had to have painful injections and couldn’t… read more →